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District Meeting

Each month we (that’s you, too) meet to discuss and vote on decisions affecting A.A. in our district as well as our area. We share ideas and experiences to ensure AA is there for the next alcoholic. Each group in District 7 should send a representative (GSR) to the district meeting to carry that groups input to district, and to report back to the home group afterwards. Get involved in service! To learn more ask your sponsor, a district officer, ask at a meeting, or just come to our next district meeting – all AA members are welcome!

What is a District?

AA is organized by Area, then District. Illinois is made up of 3 areas – Area 19, 20 and 21. Area Service Area 19 encompasses all 25 Districts in the Chicago area.

A District is a geographical division within an Area that provides an opportunity for the groups in that vicinity to have a voice in matters affecting other groups and A.A. as a whole. Each District has a District Committee that is made up of representatives from its many AA groups. These representatives are called General Service Representatives or G.S.R.s.

Each group may elect a G.S.R. who will attend the District meetings and Area assemblies in order to represent the group and vote the group’s conscience. The District Committee elects a representative — a District Committee Member, or D.C.M., who is an experienced G.S.R., to serve as an essential link between the group G.S.R. and the Area Delegate. As a member of the area committee, the D.C.M. is able to pass on the District’s thinking to the delegate on the committee.

I’ve been drunk. I’ve been sober.
Sober’s better.

Call us at (312) 346-1475, anytime. Toll free 800-371-1475